On Beaches and Writing

Writing is not about writing: it’s about re-writing and re-writing until the writing is done.

But you need to know when to stop…when the writing is finished and anything after that is just your opinion of the moment.

This is a good time to let someone else read what you’ve written because writing can be an ocean beach where every tide changes the patterns in the sand.

A Lizard in Cuba

So Cassie and I were walking along a path behind the food hut at Cayo Blanco by the Veradero Peninsula when she mentioned that we hadn’t seen a single lizard in the several days we’d been in Cuba, which seemed strange because in past visits, lizards were everywhere.

We’d seen them on the palm trees at roofless court in the Plaza America. We’d seen them on the trees and walls of our hotel. We’d seen them along the beach. We’d seen them, trip-after-trip, just about everywhere in Veradero.

But not this time.

Not until Cassie said, “We haven’t seen any lizards.”

Almost the very second the words came out of her mouth, an iguana about three feet long sauntered out onto the path right in front of us, stopped for a second to look at us, sauntered off the path and stopped to pose.

I mean…stopped to pose. It actually looked back at me, waiting to get my camera out, heard the click to confirm the picture was taken and disappeared into the jungle.

Maybe it heard Cassie’s no-lizard lament. Maybe it saw us and thought, “I’d like to have my picture taken.” Or maybe it was just chance.

Or maybe it was Cuba.

Maybe it was Cuba.

Episode 159: The Existential Adventures of Crazy Man and the Dog, Sidestepper

Wherein Crazy Man and the dog, Sidestepper, refuse to step aside.

(NOTE: Who knows what chaos reigns in a portal?)

Click here to make the jump across the hump.

There’s a New Barbie In Town

Each year, I write a humor piece for an Oscar pool party event. The humor borders mostly on the ridiculous and inane and has earned me many anti-fans…people who want to take my words and mind away from me and send me back to selling pencils on street corners.

I think I appreciated coffee more back then.

This year’s piece strikes many non-verbal chords in my mind…which is probably why it’s so short…which is why most people will allow it to exist.

Which is OK with me.

Click here to waste a few minutes of your life that you’ll never get back.